Modern Wine Cellar

An overview of the project goes here. Talk about the project start date and location the project took place at. Talk about the project goals and the project timeline. Most importantly, talk about how Deen Design & Build’s experience and knowhow was instrumental in pulling together the skills and materials together.

Probably want this section to be two or three paragraphs so it fits well beside the picture when viewed at desktop sizes.

Project: High Tech Wine Cellar
Location: Tyler, Texas
Date Completed: Fall 2018
Project Duration: 3 months
Approximate Cost: $100,000

<Type of> marble sourced from <location> used throughout for table and counter spaces. For the wine racks, we primarily used <something something> sourced from <place> and cut and finished <somewhere else?>. Doors and glass provided by <company name>.

Just stuff like that, talking about the hows and wheres and whys the materials came from.

Talk about the project timeline. What went in first. The challenges to completing the project, if there are any to talk about. And what went in last.

A quote or testimonial could go here.